
Sixth Form Student Case Study

Name: Abi

Joined King Edward's in: Year 7

A Levels: English Literature, History, Psychology

Clubs & Societies: Debating Society, Coundley Historical Society, FemSoc

How would you describe your time at King Edward's Sixth Form?

I have enjoyed my experience so far at KES Sixth Form and I think one of the factors that helped this was the transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form being so easy. The school made sure that the workload was not overwhelming so that we had time to settle into the Sixth Form, and the concourse really helped with the transition as it allows you to feel separate from the rest of the school- providing an area that lets you socialise without other year groups. Another reason I am enjoying my time in the Sixth Form is the smaller class sizes you are given.

My biggest class is eight people and my smallest is three which makes group discussion easier and more friendly and it means that the support you receive from your teachers is more personalised, as well as there being a lot more of it. You also are allocated free periods in sixth form which I find really helpful as they give me an opportunity to catch up on work, as well as feeling like I have more control over how and when I conduct my out of class work. The final thing I really like about the KES Sixth Form is the amount of co-curricular opportunities you are presented with.

I attend multiple clubs and societies a week, some are specific to my subject (like history society) and some are more general areas that I am interested in (like feminist society). I also help out with primary school partnerships and I am part of PDSA (Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association). All of these clubs have been great opportunities for me to expand my knowledge in different areas and get to try new experiences and meet new people that I otherwise would not have had an opportunity to meet.

What are your top three favourite things about the Sixth Form?

1. The Concourse

2. Smaller classes

3. Free periods

What are your plans, next steps and aspirations for once you have finished your A Levels at King Edward's?

In the future I am looking to either study English Literature at university, or to take a Degree Apprenticeship in law or journalism. 

What would be your message to students looking to join the Sixth Form at King Edward's?

KES Sixth Form is a great place to come for A Levels as you are given both more support for your studies than you are in secondary school and more freedom during the day- with free periods. Sixth Form also has many great extra co-curricular activities that allow you to meet new people and expand your knowledge in different areas which is a great opportunity.