Life Outside the Classroom

Life Outside The Classroom

In the Sixth Form we believe that students benefit enormously from engaging with more than the A Level syllabus of their chosen subjects. Academic and personal development is enhanced by learning new skills, sharing experiences and striving for ambitious goals.

We want our students not just to succeed in their examination courses but also to look beyond Sixth Form to undergraduate study, professional qualifications and career pathways. We encourage our students to think about where they would like to be in 5 years or 10 years and how they can achieve these goals. We have created an academic enrichment programme that offers students plentiful opportunities to both hone fundamental skills, push the boundaries of their intellectual world and experience entirely new fields. There are 4 elements to academic enrichment in the Sixth Form with each element providing a different way in which students’ formal education is complemented by less formal learning.

A vibrant co-curricular programme emphasises our belief that education is more than a set of grades. Our Sixth Formers are encouraged to take the opportunities that are on offer, at home and abroad. Throughout these crucial two years, the students are guided by a tutor in small groups. Our Higher Education advice is well targeted and successful in helping the students to get the attention they need to make the most of their abilities.

The Sixth Formers will also get the opportunity to sign up for expeditions – recent trips have included the Himalayas, Cambodia/Thailand, Belize, and Alaska.  Projects run by the Sixth Form students include a long-established Summer Camp for local disadvantaged youngsters and community work near Cape Town in South Africa.

The school is committed to encouraging each Sixth Former to challenge themselves. Through travel, or contributing to a team working on a project, they each discover what they’re truly capable of.