KES University Fair 2024 4

Careers & HE

You'll have an experienced team dedicated to supporting you during your time with us.

A flexible work experience programme is available to all students, providing an insight into an array of possible careers; subject specific and career specific Careers Conferences are advertised regularly; Sixth Form Careers lunches provide students with the opportunity to meet people in different occupations (medicine, law, IT, engineering, science, finance, media, etc) and begin networking. Whilst the Foundation Studies programme of short courses offers insight into different aspects of preparation for life after King Edward’s such as presentation skills and basic budgeting.

HE Fair

The annual HE Fair provides students with the chance to meet representatives from most of the top 25 UK universities. Representatives are available for information on choosing the right higher education for you.

Careers Fair

The Careers Fair welcomes an extensive list of representatives from a variety of industries, careers, and professions to King Edward’s. Students have the chance to meet the experts and to learn more about opportunity, to find out more about career areas they know about but also to discover others that they may never have considered.

University Open Day Visits

In the Summer Term, University Open Day visits are arranged. Students considering Higher Education are strongly urged to view potential institutions.

UCAS Application Support

Towards the end of the academic year the Lower Sixth are introduced to the central UK university applications programme, UCAS APPLY and are encouraged to research various courses or other options that appeal to them. Students are also able to attend Personal Statement workshops to gain a better understanding of how to write the best personal statement of their own and advice is given to all members of the Lower Sixth on the whole application process. Throughout the year students are also introduced to other possible HE routes other than attending a UK university - such as studying abroad or doing a Higher or Degree level apprenticeship. There are also dedicated staff members to assist students with their university applications.

Careers Advice & Interview Advice

Informal careers advice continues to be given throughout the Upper Sixth Year as students progress through the university application process. All Lower Sixth students have a careers interview with a member of staff.

Meet the Expert 

We are lucky to welcome various industry experts to our Sixth Form each term, where students get to learn more about careers across various fields they may be interested in after their time at King Edward's. These sessions give students the opportunity to ask questions and gain an insight to the day-to-day of a particular profession. Previous sessions have included professionals joining us from Medical, Allied Health, and Law as well as Business, Finance and Economics, and Engineering, with other sessions tailored to the needs and interests of particular.

Post-Results Clinic

During the Summer holidays, a Post Results Clinic is available to offer advice to those candidates on receipt of their A Level results.