Charity Opportunities


Our student-led Charities Commission is an integral part of School life, boasting a sizable and active membership.

Sixth Form members of the Commission are enthusiastic contributors to our community, utilising assemblies to educate peers on pertinent issues and campaigns deserving of school attention. Throughout the academic year, they organise a diverse array of events, consistently raising approximately £10,000 annually. This initiative is a cornerstone of school life, with the Sixth Form taking the lead.

Within the Sixth Form, there are three distinctive charity projects. We collaborate with the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association (PDSA), dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and families affected by Down Syndrome. Our Charities & Partnerships in the Sixth Form students actively engage by organising activity sessions and participating in group outings. The Summer Camp initiative offers a residential experience for young carers, meticulously organised and operated by Sixth Form students. Partnerships opportunity Project (POP) delivers an array of activities and fund raising tailored to Kings Copse Primary school, a local school for visually impaired students.

Participation in these projects spans two years, requiring students to exercise creativity and devise effective fundraising strategies to support their endeavours. A commitment during school holidays is required; Summer Camp’s residential program and the Partnerships Project’s activities take place in July, while PDSA Activity Days occur at the end of August.

Our sixth form students are also encouraged to support our partnership events. These events take place throughout the year and offer local primary schools the opportunity to experience a range of exciting learning activities.

Engagement in these initiatives not only forges lasting memories for Sixth Form students but also leaves a lasting impact on the children involved. These projects cultivate enduring friendships and impart invaluable life skills that extend far beyond the classroom.