
KES 15-22

When did you start at KES? What year are you in currently?

I joined King Edward VI School as a First Year in 2015, and I am currently in the Upper Sixth.

What attracted you to KES?

When I was in primary school, I was lucky enough to be a part of the science partnerships the school runs. It was here that I knew I wanted to attend KES for secondary school.

Name one thing you love about the School.

When I got here I really appreciated the relationship between the students and the teachers, especially in the sixth form where there are smaller classes which allows you to connect better with your teachers.

What subjects are you most interested in?

I take Maths, Physics, Computer Science and Economics at A Level. In the future I plan to do electrical engineering so of those four Maths or Computer Science are my favourite.

What clubs or societies are your favourites?

At KES there is truly a club or society for everyone. Lower down the school I attended the ‘scamp club’ where we looked at substitution ciphers and looked at how Alan Turing cracked the enigma code. I also attended ‘character design club’ which had a much more relaxed environment, although I wasn’t the best at art I still had a blast.

Now I attend Economics, History, Politics and Geography societie. Whilst I only study one of those subjects, the societies are open to everyone and do not require any prior knowledge for you to enjoy them. I particularly enjoy Politics and History societies because politics usually has some overlap with economics so helps at times with what I do in class, and I always learn something new there. I love history society as I took history at GCSE and history society allows me to learn about parts of history I wasn’t able to in the GCSE course.

What would your message be to students looking to join the school?

Be passionate. There is a wide range of students that attend KES all with different interests and skills. One thing I think we have in common is that whatever we are good at we have an intense curiosity for that thing.

Keep an open mind, there are so many clubs, societies and school trips at KES, so don’t be afraid to try something new. You only live once!

Please comment on your experience as Head of School - how do you think this will help you after KES?

It’s been an honour serving as the Head of School this year. There have been countless opportunities for me this year and I am grateful I was able to carry out the traditions which come with the role. I have had the chance to write and deliver speeches and have meetings with school governors where we discussed how we can improve our school. My role also involves working with the senior team and many members of staff to help organise school events like parent’s evenings, prize giving and Monday assemblies.This has instilled excellent time management and leadership skills. Overall the role has allowed me to make a positive impact in the school community, and the way that I have been able to do so is something I believe I will take away with me when I leave this year.

What is your plan after KES?

After KES I plan to study electrical engineering at Southampton/Warwick University, I have always wanted to do something which involves science so although I am sad to leave KES after all these years, I am excited to start a fresh challenge a degree I am sure I will love.