January 2024

VAT on School Fees: FAQs

VAT on School Fees: FAQs

Welcome to our dedicated webpage outlining King Edward VI and King Edward VI Preparatory's position regarding the imposition of VAT on school fees from January 2025, as addressed in the recent government budget announcement. Here, we provide clarity on our plans and the measures we have in place to address this change. Our intention is to assure our community of the school's robust financial standing and its optimal preparedness to thrive despite the VAT policy. 

In our recent communication with parents, we outlined our strategy to alleviate some of the VAT burden. Our approach involves gradually sharing the impact between the school and parents over several years to avoid sudden fee increases. This gradual implementation aims to shield parents from immediate financial strain, leveraging the school's financial resilience to absorb the impact over time.

Below you will find some FAQs that we hope you find helpful. Our commitment remains steadfast in addressing any concerns, especially those that may alleviate anxiety amongst our parent community and families considering King Edward VI School and King Edward VI Preparatory for their child's education in the coming years.