
Sixth Form Student Case Study

Name: Isla

Joined King Edward's in: Year 7

A Levels: Art, Geography, Business

Clubs & Societies: House Captain, Geography Society, Hockey, Netball and Cricket club/teams, DofE Gold, PDSA charity team.

How would you describe your time at King Edward's Sixth Form?

Having been at KES since Year 7, it has really shaped who I am as a person. I feel like it has been the perfect school for me and Sixth Form was no different. If I’m honest, I had a slight worry that as I transitioned to Sixth Form that it wouldn’t be different enough to the main school, however this was not the case. The Sixth Form is a completely new experience and I feel that it has set me up extremely well for my future. It is great mixing with new people that join and being part of a different dynamic. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed my KES Sixth Form experience and the balance between A Levels and co-curriculars. I am on track to do well in Art, Geography and Business and I really enjoy these A-Levels.

What are your top three favourite things about the Sixth Form?

1. Opportunities: I feel like KES has given me such a variety of opportunities over the last seven years across sports, arts and charities and this has stayed present throughout Sixth Form. This environment has really influenced my love for being busy and trying new things. In combination with the academics, I feel like KES has set me up for having a wide range of skills and experiences.

2. Relationships: KES Sixth Form has enabled me to gain some really special relationships between my teachers and friends. I feel that you develop a different relationship with your teachers in Sixth Form than in the main school. My teachers have always been willing to go out of their way for me, to explain something in extra detail or to find a lunch time where we are both free to talk something through. I found that the small class sizes mean that my teachers know me well and you can really tell that they genuinely want the best for you inside and outside of the classroom. 

3. The Concourse: I love this space and feel that it has a great balance between work and socialising with friends. It is a perfect space to mix with lots of people at break, lunch and after-school while having quiet areas or big tables for teamwork when doing work. It's really nice having a Sixth Form only area to socialise. 

What are your plans, next steps and aspirations for once you have finished your A Levels at King Edward's?

I plan to take a gap year where some of this will be spent working as a gap student within the KES Sports Department. I would like to be coaching for the Hockey and Rugby season and this will be followed by a Ski season in France or Switzerland. I am also interested in coming back for some time during the Cricket term. Then I plan to go travelling in summer also. After this, I am going to study Marketing with a year in industry. I have received deferred places from Loughborough, Liverpool, York and Exeter so far and I am really excited for what is to come.

What would be your message to students looking to join the Sixth Form at King Edward's?

Do it! I have genuinely loved my time at KES and I feel like it has something to suit everyone. Whether it is the sport, music, art or academics alone that you’ll benefit from. I would say don’t be worried about joining a school that has a secondary school. You are treated differently by your teachers as a Sixth Former and I wouldn’t be concerned about merging with a year group that have previously been at school together. I think the transition can be pretty seamless. Finally, I strongly believe that KES has a Sixth Form that is perfect for all round opportunities and experiences, giving you the best chance of being an all rounded person.