Welcome from the Director of Sixth Form

It is with enormous pleasure that I welcome you to our Sixth Form. King Edward’s is full of young people that are full of enthusiasm, that are unafraid of challenge and care enormously about the people and environment around them.

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The King Edward’s Sixth Form is unashamedly academic. Classes are small and taught by subject specialists. You will be encouraged to debate and challenge ideas, have open-minded discussions and explore your subjects in both breadth and depth. All students study a full-time course of three A Levels. Those wishing to study Further Mathematics will take four A Levels, and many students will choose to additionally complete the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification).

Our academic curriculum is complimented through the Foundation Studies programme. Here all our pupils develop the wider skills needed for future success; a core programme ranges from delivering presentations to personal finance, politics to road-readiness for young drivers while optional modules include cookery, art-appreciation and travel safety. Additionally, we welcome a diverse range of external speakers through the Open Forum programme. All Sixth Formers are expected to attend these carefully curated weekly talks that seek to widen their understanding and challenge their preconceptions through speakers with interesting and inspiring stories to tell.

Many of our Sixth Formers choose to stay well beyond the end of the school day; to work in the Concourse or the Library, to take part in sport or rehearse for a drama production, to use the gym facilities or the Art Studios. Being a Sixth Former at King Edward’s means being inquisitive, ambitious, caring and inclusive. It is the time where you get to specialise academically, develop your independence and challenge yourself personally.

Through all this we seek to support you with outstanding pastoral care. A team of dedicated tutors work with each pupil individually to support their progress during the Sixth Form, and supported by the Careers and Higher Education team, we work to support you and help you realise your next steps beyond our gates.

We are incredibly proud of our Sixth Form and welcome you to come and visit us, to see for yourself the opportunities on offer.

Dr Emma Thomas 

Director of Sixth Form