Sixth Form Curriculum

Sixth Form Curriculum

At King Edward's, we have high academic expectations, and believe success is achieved through a genuine curiosity and love for learning.

All students study a full-time course of three A Levels. Those wishing to study Further Mathematics will take four A Levels, and many students will choose to additionally complete the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). There is a wide and exciting variety of A Level subjects on offer at King Edward's Sixth Form, find the extensive list of subject choices here.

Very few university courses require four subjects, although students taking Further Mathematics, which is recommended for the most competitive Mathematics and Engineering courses, will need to continue all four to allow for sufficient academic breadth.

The Sixth Form at King Edward’s aims to deliver consistently excellent results in a wide range of subjects.  A favourable teacher student ratio allows us to focus on the individual, and promotes class discussion. Positive relationships with teachers are a feature of the Sixth Form experience, making it an important stepping stone to the world of university and work.

A number of subjects are available at A Level that may not have been for students at GCSE. Students should not be discouraged to opt for 'new' subjects, but careful advice should be taken if considering more than two subjects not previously studied.


How do I choose my subjects for Sixth Form?

You will be studying a much narrower range of subjects than in the past and spending more time on each of them, so it certainly makes sense to choose subjects you know you enjoy! Equally, your results in these subjects will be your passport to Higher Education, so they should also be subjects in which you can reasonably expect to achieve good results. A combination of subjects offering a degree of variety of study is often a good idea.

If you have clear future intentions for university and beyond, check if you should take certain subjects at A Level. If you are not sure what you want to do beyond the Sixth Form, it’s best to choose a range of subjects that keep your options open. Take advice as widely as possible and visit the HE and careers office to talk to our dedicated HE staff.

Which subjects are best preparation for university later on?

We believe that all subjects offered at A Level have good academic credentials and are suitable for study by Sixth Formers intending to enter Higher Education. Some HE courses have specific subject requirements, very many do not. Students who are concerned whether their A Level subjects are appropriate preparation for their intended course of study at university should consult the websites of the universities concerned or look at the entry profiles for courses featured on UCAS Course Search. The HE and careers department can also offer guidance and advice.

Will I have the same teachers in both years in the Sixth Form?

Continuity of teaching cannot be guaranteed, but we will do our best to provide continuity for as many sets and students as possible.

Will subjects be examined in both the Lower and Upper Sixth?

Yes. All subjects will be examined in the Summer Term of the Lower Sixth year internally. In December of the Upper Sixth year, mock examinations are arranged by subject departments. A Level subjects will be externally examined in May and June of the Upper Sixth.

What is Open Forum and Foundation Studies?

In Lower Sixth, every student will enter the Foundation Studies programme and attend a series of weekly sessions designed to equip students with key skills and to extend their education beyond the examined curriculum. In Upper Sixth, the programme evolves into a series of five short courses chosen from a wide ranging list. Full details of these will be made available in the Summer Term of the Lower Sixth year. In addition, all Sixth Form students will attend Open Forum, a series of weekly talks by staff and guest speakers, intended to interest, inspire and broaden the experience of all students. More information can be found here.