Travel & Trips

Travel & Trips

Every year our Sixth Form students get multiple opportunities to travel the globe, to learn outside of the classroom and enhance their understanding of chosen subjects and the world.

Language students have the opportunity to practise their language skills in France, Germany and Spain. We’ve taken Creative Arts students on tours in Paris, Prague, Austria and New York.

Students studying any of the art subjects frequently visit museums, galleries and theatres internationally and locally, Travel & Trips in the Sixth Form from Greece to Brighton, London to Southampton!

In addition, there is a comprehensive Sports Tour programme. Recent tours include a visits to South Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Europe.

There are also expeditions on offer which have previously taken place in Tanzania and Vietnam. Biologists, and anyone interested, can join Operation Wallacea for two weeks of scientific research.

Previous locations have included Indonesia, Mexico, Honduras, Madagascar and the Galapagos. Biology and Geography students will have a few residential days of fieldwork in the Lower Sixth. Lastly, students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award will take part in expedition.