King edward vi sports

Academic Physical Education

Academic Physical Education at GCSE provides thorough academic study, whilst also providing rewards for physical excellence. 

Studying Academic Physical Education e at GCSE is for anyone with an interest in, or love of, sport. The subject is a great compliment to other GCSE subjects. Students that actively perform through sport will be at an advantage.  

The subject provides a greater understanding of sport performance and helps development individuals performance.

The subject is relevant to the real world, and students will look at current teams and athletes to study; gender differences in sport, the role of women sport, elite performance, coaches, how we learn sport, improve knowledge on the effects of exercise, how to train and how the body adapts. 

At King Edward's students will follow the AQA syllabus. 60% of the GCSE is assessed through theoretical work, and 40% is assessed through practical assessment.  


Year 10

In Year 10, students will study the following topics:

  • Applied Anatomy and Physiology 
  • Cardio-Respiratory System 
  • Anaerobic and Aerobic exercise 
  • Movement Analysis 
  • Physical Training 
  • Health and Fitness 


Year 11

In Year 11, students will study the following topics:

  • Sports Psychology 
  • Socio-Cultural Influences 
  • Commercialisation 
  • Ethical Issues 
  • Use of Data 

Enrichment Opportunities

Clubs and Societies 

Students get the opportunity to learn and develop their sport through a variety of sport clubs and fixtures throughout the course. You can find out more about Sport at King Edward's here

Other opportunities

The students also complete filming days throughout the course to help enable the students to collate the necessary footage. The School also has links with several universities and access to their Sports Science laboratories. 

Meet the Staff

If you have a specific enquiry for the Sports Science Department, email 

Mr. D. Kent
Director of Sport 
Mr. M.G. Mixer
Head of PE and Games

Mrs. L.C. Henderson

PE and Games, Sports Science,
Junior Science, Head of Lower School

Miss. L.A. Lister
Mr. A.D. Penn
PE, Head of Cricket, Head of Reynolds
Mrs. H.M.L. Penn

Mr. A.L. Powell

PE and Games, Head of Rugby


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