Sixth Form Scholarships & Bursaries

About Sixth Form Scholarships

At King Edward's we aim to provide an excellent education to gifted children willing to take advantage of everything on offer at the School through bursaries and scholarships. The following outlines the types of Scholarships available in the King Edward VI Sixth Form.

Contact Us

Our Admissions team are happy to answer any questions you may have about Sixth Form scholarships, eligibility, or how to apply. Please contact the team here.


For more information about the Scholarships available in the Sixth Form, please read the below.

Academic Scholarships

Academic scholarships are awarded to a limited number of internal pupils moving into the Sixth Form. These are awarded to pupils of the highest academic merit and carry an annual value of up to 5% of the fee. There is no need to apply for an academic scholarship as all Year 11 pupils are automatically eligible for consideration. 

Sixth Form Music Scholarships

Sixth Form Music Scholars reflect our most able and highest achieving performers.

Scholars gain a wealth of benefit as we prepare young musicians for performance careers and university study. Scholarships up to £1,000* are awarded on audition to successful candidates who will be taking A Level Music. Scholarships will differ depending upon a range of circumstances. Auditions will take place in March. Candidates will be invited to audition and would be required to perform a piece on their first instrument, alongside some interview questions. Applicants should be of a Grade 8 standard on one or more instruments.

* The amount will be awarded once, and will be credited over the two years of Sixth Form study. 

Sixth Form Sport Scholarships

Scholarships up to £700* are available for talented sports performers at entry into the Sixth Form. Candidates will have competed at regional level or higher in their chosen sport(s) and will be invited for interview. Members of the Sports Faculty may also ask to observe a fixture or training session. Successful candidates will be invited into the Elite Sports Performer Programme and will be expected to demonstrate a high level of commitment to school sport as well as being a role model to other students.