KES Features on BBC Morning Live for Innovative Approach to Combat Vaping Amongst Young People

17 April 2024

King Edward VI School featured on BBC Morning Live in an insightful segment focusing on the pressing issue of vaping amongst young people. The school showcased its pioneering efforts in addressing this concern with the introduction of cutting-edge detection technology by Vape Guardian, and its proactive stance in environmental conservation by campaigning against the pollution caused by disposable vapes.

The segment aired amidst recent governmental plans to ban disposable vapes and impose restrictions on vape flavours due to alarming statistics highlighting their escalating usage amongst young people. King Edward VI School collaborated with BBC Morning Live to shed light on effective strategies in combating adolescent vaping.

Mr. Parker, Head at KES said “We are delighted to have been featured on BBC Morning Live as we introduced Vape Guardian technology to our school community. With the increasing prevalence of vaping amongst young people, it’s imperative for our school to adopt proactive measures to safeguard our students’ health and well-being.”

During the segment, Mr. Parker and Mr. Collison, Deputy Head Pastoral, provided insights into the school's initiatives in tackling vaping amongst its student body. Additionally, the dedication and engagement of the students were showcased as Tessa, Afjal, Adele, and Charlie shared their first-hand experiences and perspectives on vaping. Their voices highlighted the significance of the issue, shedding light on the health risks associated with vaping among young people and advocating for sustainability measures.

The featured segment on BBC Morning Live aligns with King Edwards VI School's overarching commitment to protect and support its students. By proactively addressing vaping concerns, the school reaffirms its dedication to fostering a safe and healthy learning environment.

The segment can be found on BBC iPlayer here.