King Edward VI School awarded ‘Excellent’ by ISI Inspection

1 March 2022

We are delighted that our recent ISI Inspection report has been published by the Independent School Inspectorate, with resounding results.

In the focused compliance inspection, KES met every legal and statutory standard, and no recommendations were made. In the educational quality inspection, KES achieved the highest possible ‘excellent’ rating for both pupil achievement and personal development. Indeed, the inspectors further rated every single element of provision within these two broad categories as excellent.

Throughout the document, which is available below to read in full, the ISI identifies key areas that contributed to the School’s rating of ‘excellent’ across the board. For example, the ISI noted how ‘good behaviour is promoted, (and) bullying is prevented’, the excellent quality of our pupils’ academic and other achievements, specifically, ‘attainment in examinations’ and the ‘ability to secure entry to further education or destinations of their choice’. Personal development was also raised an area of excellence; with the ISI praising how our overarching ethos of nurture and support has led to our pupils’ ‘demonstrating excellent relationships’, a level of respect and celebration of diversity within the school community, and a show of excellent self-confidence from all pupils.

This was a superb inspection outcome, thanks in no small measure to the tremendous efforts from our pupils, staff, parents and community.

To view our inspection reports, click here