Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer Science is about problem solving. It is about using new and existing technologies to make a difference. To develop, create and innovate new solutions. Problems tackled by Computer Scientists range from historical challenges to new discoveries.

One of the core ideas of Computer Science is computational thinking. Computational thinking involves looking at and breaking down a problem, in order to determine how a computer might be used to help solve it. Usually this involves writing some code but to do this well, you need to understand how computers process information. This is the difference between a self-taught coder and a Computer Scientist. 

Studying Computer Science develops immensely useful skills that are transferrable to just about every subject and discipline. You will develop problem-solving skills that will improve how you think logically and creatively. You will gain a unique perspective that you can use to break problems down, and you will gain a better understanding of how computers work. 

Head of Department, Mr Cutler, shares more information on studying Computer Science at King Edward VI School. 

Year 7

In Year 7, students will study the following topics:

Digital Creativity, Digital Productivity, Coding with MicroBits, Robotics and Control, WYSIWG Web Design.

Year 8

In Year 8, students will study the following topics:

Term 1: Intro to Computer Science, Small Basic 

Term 2: Emerging Tech, App Creation 

Term 3: Robotics and Control, 3D CAD 

Year 9

In Year 9, students will study the following topics:

Term 1: Python programming, Programming Project 

Term 2: Hardware and Software, Numbers and Logic

Term 3: HTML and CSS, AI and Machine Learning, Digital Security and Law 

Year 10 & Year 11

In Year 10 & Year 11, students will study the following topics:

Data Representation

Data Transmission

Hardware & Software

Boolean Logic

Automated and Emerging Technology 

Algorithm Design and Problem Solving


Enrichment Opportunities

Clubs and Societies 

  • Coding Club (Lower and Upper School)
  • STEM Lego League - students form teams where they use Lego robotics to prepare and compete in a national competition (Year 7 and Lower Schoool).
  • Digital Aspirants (Year 7)
  • Digital Leaders (Years 8-11)


As part of the iGCSE Computer Science studies,Year 10 Computing students take part in a trip to the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park. The trip includes a guided tour and two workshops, students will investigate the maths of cryptography and have an opportunity to explore assembly language and gain “hands on” experience. 

Meet the Staff

If you have a specific enquiry for the Computer Science Department, email

Mr. D. Cutler
Head of Computer Science and Digital Literacy
Teacher Year 7-11 and Sixth Form
Mr. L.J. Hall
Teacher Year 7-11 and Sixth Form
Mrs. F.E. Price Teacher of Computing, E-Safety Coordinator 

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